18, 19 en 20 March 2025 | Evenementenhal Gorinchem


Powerful new softstarters prevent damage and save energy
CG Drives & Automation presents a new range of Emotron TSA softstarters from 5,5 to 1000kW (16-960A and 200-690V). The range includes the new frame sizes TSA 5 and 6 for the highest powers (470-960A). Designed to ensure operational security and energy efficiency they boast many built-in functions for safety and reliability such as thermal motor protection, thermistor input and bypass contactor as standard.

Starts, stops and protects
Emotron TSA softstarters take motor control to a new level. Soft torque starting, intelligent load monitoring and smart stops are all included and accompanied by a robust and compact design. The softstarter is developed for pump, fan, compressor, blower, crusher, conveyor, mill, mixer and saw applications.

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