18, 19 en 20 March 2025 | Evenementenhal Gorinchem


Spectrophotometer NANOCOLOR Advance – The future is spectral
In the new NANOCOLOR® Advance, MACHEREY-NAGEL combines the main features of our portable compact photometers and our high-precision spectrophotometers.
The Advance offers all the advantages of a modern spectrophotometer and combines high-quality results with a user-friendly operation. The integrated barcode scanner guarantees fast and comfortable work.
Our proven NTU check warns the user in case of interfering turbidities.
Future-proof interfaces and comprehensive quality control functions make the NANOCOLOR® Advance the ideal device for all water and wastewater analysis applications.
Are you interested in our new device? Then visit our website at www.mn-net.com/advance where you can request more information.

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