18, 19 en 20 March 2025 | Evenementenhal Gorinchem

LAR Online measurements for proceswater




With more than 10 trillion liters of process water used annually in Dutch industry, it is important to safeguard the quality of water and prevent pollution. One of the most important parameters to measure the degree of pollution is TOC (Total Organic Carbon). As the name suggests, a TOC analyser measures the total content of organic carbon compounds for both process water and return condensate. Other parameters such as total carbon (TC), total inorganic carbon compounds (TIC) and total nitrogen (TNb) can also be analysed.

The online TOC analyser is an accurate measurement method to monitor and control wastewater during your production processes. The control of the process water and/or return condensate is realized by means of a high temperature oxidation (1200 °C) in which the sample is completely converted into CO2 and water, among other things. The formed CO2 is measured in a NDIR detector after treatment.

Checking the quality of Purified water and Water For Injection (WFI) are also possible.

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