18, 19 en 20 March 2025 | Evenementenhal Gorinchem




The Peeters source dewatering is a groundbreaking solution for drainage
construction pits. This future-proof, fully electric system eliminates the need
of diesel pumps. The ability to measure remotely, with centimeter precision, is unique.
to adjust the water column height below ground level, thanks to an immersion probe. It
noiseless and energy efficient design uses underground pumps and requires
minimal maintenance. Optionally, multiple MODBUS sensors can be added,
and the system is programmable with customizable alarm values ​​(call, text message, email).
Moreover, our precise control ensures that we do not use an unnecessary amount of groundwater
withdraw. This not only improves the efficiency of our construction pit drainage
increased, but we also contribute to sustainable water management. Discover the
benefits where technology and sustainability come together in our advanced
source drainage systems.

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