Advanced oxidation process destroys highly active substances in wastewater
Highly active organic substances, such as pharmaceuticals, biocides, pesticides and their metabolites, are increasingly being found in wastewater. Mostly, the substances are pharmaceutical residues introduced by consumers. Industrial wastewater can also be contaminated with highly active substances. Advanced oxidation is a process that reliably destroys these highly active substances and thus purges them from the wastewater.
EnviroChemie implements the advanced oxidation process in various oxidation procedures in its proprietary Envochem® AOP product range. The process involves the use of ozone or hydrogen peroxide combined with Fenton’s reagent or UV radiation (UV oxidation). Fenton’s reagent is a sulphuric acid compound consisting of an iron salt – usually iron(II) sulphate (FeSO4) – and hydrogen peroxide, which acts as a strong catalyst for oxidizing organic substrates. UV radiation converts the hydrogen peroxide into highly reactive hydroxil radicals that oxidize the contaminants in the water. The contaminants are converted mainly into carbon dioxide, water and salt. Ozone is also used in the advanced oxidation process, depending on the task and contaminants to be destroyed in the wastewater.