18, 19 en 20 March 2025 | Evenementenhal Gorinchem

Filterunits voor schakelruimtes en -kasten ter voorkoming van aantasting elektronische componenten.




There is growing need within the sector for clean, conditioned air because acidic and contaminated gases quickly damage crucial components such as electronics, electrical equipment and display screens. These gases cause corrosion which damages printed circuit boards and components. This, in turn, can result in ghosting, inaccurate measurement or control signals and even computer malfunction.
Following extensive research, leading suppliers of computer systems and measuring and control equipment jointly established a standard with guidelines for a corrosion-free environment. This is known as the ISA standard (International Society of Automation).

This standard classifies gases by corrosion aggressiveness (class G1: mild, up to GX: severe). This standard also defines the air and room conditions to achieve a safe environment according to class G1 in, for example, MCC rooms, control rooms and data centres.

To prevent gases from causing corrosion, ALLSORB Air Filter B.V. has a complete range of filtration equipment and filter media that capture harmful gases efficiently. You can use our high-tech measuring instruments such as the ChemWatch to monitor air quality in an air-conditioned room.

We also have a complete service schedule for sampling and analysing the chemical filters. These analyses are needed for determining the remaining service life of a filter medium, and for replacing filters in good time in order to continue to guarantee the highest degree of air purity (G1). Our service team can take care of all maintenance. We control the complete air purity cycle, from measuring and controlling air quality to maintaining complete air filtration units.

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