18, 19 en 20 March 2025 | Evenementenhal Gorinchem




Our clarifiers , also called scraper bridges, provide a low-cost separation and removal of suspended solids from wastewater. A high-quality solution for clearing sediment into a sludge tank and removing all floating substances. Our range includes central drive clarifiers and peripheral drive clarifiers, all available with several options.

Our sludge thickening installations for the treatment of water-rich sludge at sewage and wastewater treatment plants. Sludge thickeners significantly reduce the amount of sludge to be removed or treated accordingly. Our thickeners can be equipped with a concrete or steel tank, with a walkway.

Especially for central driven installations, such as pre-settling tanks and thickeners we offer a special drive unit, featured by a long lifespan and low price.

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